The definition of refined rice and nutrition

The polished rice is, as the saying goes, fine polished white rice. It refers to the rice health that goes to the molting and aleurone layers. The vitamins and inorganic salts of cereals are mainly distributed in the grain embryos and wheat hulls. Most of the polished rice on the market will grind a large amount of rice husked rice, and this part is precisely the most vitamin B1 in rice, reaching 80 % of content.

Long-term consumption of ground finely ground rice can cause vitamin B1 deficiency. The vitamins and inorganic salts of cereals are mainly distributed in grain embryos and wheat hulls. The rice husks and germ parts are rich in vitamin B and vitamin E, which can improve the body's immune function, promote blood circulation, and help people eliminate depressed and irritable moods. Make people full of vitality.

In addition, higher concentrations of trace elements such as potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron, and manganese in rice bran and embryos are beneficial to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and anemia. It also retains a lot of dietary fiber, can promote the proliferation of beneficial bacteria in the intestine, accelerate intestinal peristalsis, soften the feces, prevent constipation and colon cancer; dietary fiber can also combine with cholesterol in the bile, and promote the excretion of cholesterol, thereby helping hyperlipidemia Patients reduce blood lipids.

In grain inspection, scientific research, teaching, production, processing and other departments, the quality evaluation of rice using the LTJM-2099 grain rice grading machine will generally be tested. The LTJM-2099 grain rice miller grinds the net rice, removes a certain amount of cortex and embryos, and weighs the resulting polished rice.

It is also good for the human body to make rice porridge with some vegetables, such as polished celery porridge. Spring is a period of frequent anger and headache and hypertension, eating celery porridge can clear the liver fire, lower blood pressure, stop halo.

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