What are the basic principles that must be observed in blasting operations?

Blasting operations must adhere to the following basic principles:
1. The blasting personnel must pass the assessment, and after obtaining the blasting power, the blasting operation and the processing of the relevant blasting materials can be carried out;
2. After the blasting materials are taken to the working surface, they must be placed in a special gunpowder or gunpowder warehouse for safekeeping;
3. When the number of blastholes on the working surface is more than 5 and simultaneous blasting, the next ignition must be used, and no single ignition is allowed;
4. If an ignition failure occurs due to a working surface water ambassador, an electrical detonation should be used to prevent the occurrence of a rifle or a personal accident;
5. When using electrical blasting, all power sources within the safety regulations must be removed before the charging connection is made to prevent stray currents from being generated;
6. A warning signal must be issued before the shot is fired; immediately after the shot is fired for a period of time, before the warning signal and other work can be removed.

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